Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Big Picture

Yesterday I was being silly. It's actually embarrassing to admit that I was upset over shoes. Yep, shoes. I think it was a combination of feeling emotional over the last couple of days about what I'm doing with my life, financial instability, and being really hungry, but still...I shouldn't have let myself get so upset about shoes.

This morning, I'm sitting on our futon, facing our recently decorated Christmas tree, wrapped up in my favorite blanket, about to enjoy a few pages from the book I'm currently reading. I have a roof over my head, I'm warm, I could eat if I wasn't too lazy to get out of my currently comfortable position, I'm loved, I'm alive and I'm well. So what do I have to complain about? It's so easy to get carried away about the little things, and forget about the bigger picture.

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