Sunday, May 15, 2011

Accountability Updates

So I still think Jeff and I are doing pretty good. We have a lot of cooking to explore, especially with vegetables we're unfamiliar with. We finally made it to the Farmer's Market in Irvine last weekend which was great, but it definitely made me realize how much is out and that I have no idea what half of it is. We walked around with Mason and Jasna, bought some fruits and veggies, and the most delicious (and sweet) cake I think I've had in a while. I also bought a dozen eggs without realizing that I already had a dozen at home. Oops.

Jeff looked up a great recipe for chicken kebabs with tzatziki sauce. After he finished prepping them (pictured above) it dawned on me that he put cucumbers on the skewers....and I thought to myself "huh, I don't think I've ever tried to cook cucumbers before." In my most innocent-not-trying-to-be-shitty-or-criticize-your-cooking-because-you're-already-doing-all-the-cooking voice I asked him if the recipe called for cucumbers or zucchini's on the kebabs...his face turned to one of panic and I felt like I had just crushed all his cooking illusions. Alas, the recipe did call for zucchinis...but you know what we found out? Cooked cucumbers aren't all that bad. They don't quite "cook," per se...but they weren't bad...still edible :) And the chicken and tzatziki sauce was AMAZING.

On Wednesday night I really wanted [Jeff] to make salmon. We need to up the amount of fish we include in our menu. But the store I went to only had salmon for $20 a pound. As delicious as it looked...I couldn't bring myself to do it. So I bought steaks instead. You can't win them all. I did fix corn and asparagus to go along with it, so I think that upped the healthy factor in that meal.

Yesterday I was in Tecate, Mexico, working on a house build with Corazon, and on my way home I was tempted to just stop by and get something quick. Instead...I made some quick tuna lettuce wraps at home. Not the most filling, but still better than a hamburger.

A couple random tid bits:
  • Our friend Abby gave up coffee, and she was telling me how she feels like she has so much more energy NOW then before. It got Jeff and I thinking on whether we should try the same. We don't drink the quantity per day that Abby does, but we still heavily rely on our cup of coffee in the morning to get us going. To the point that we WILL get headaches later on if we don't have it. I'm not sure we're ready to give it up yet, but at least we've started the process of thinking about it :) I'm also trying to at least cut back my creamer and sugar intake in my coffee. That's a good enough challenge for me, for now.
  • This is completely random, but kind of in tandem with the whole coffee thing: I now have toothpaste and a toothbrush in my desk at work, and I'm using it! Hopefully I won't end up going from one extreme to the other and scrubbing my gums until they bleed like Cate Blanchett's character in Hanna (that scene gave me the heebie jeebies (thank you to Jeff for correcting my previous ESL spelling of 'heevie jevies')).
  • I'm currently reading In Defense of Food and it's been getting me to really think about what we eat and why we eat it. It's exciting.
As far as physical activity, I did a couple mini-work outs at home, nothing too crazy. It seems that I'll be doing some yoga in the coming weeks though, which is exciting.

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