Monday, February 27, 2012

Blogging and Lent

I can't believe how long it's been since I blogged. Jeff told me recently that I really need to keep writing, regardless of how busy I get with other things. It's funny how this started as something to keep me busy while I was unemployed, and it's become a creature of it's own. Sometimes I wonder why I keep writing, since it's hard to really know whether it makes a difference to anyone else whether I blog or not. Does anyone really care if I keep finding new charities to share? Does anyone care if I go to the gym or not? Are my discussions on development interesting to anyone other than myself? As I get busier with weddings, clients for my firm, and the other bajillion miscellaneous activities that I fill my days with, I can't help but wonder if I'm being smart about the time I spend writing on here.

But I think Jeff is right. Jeff points out that my writing has improved significantly since I started, so that's a reason right there to keep going. It also forces me to look for and find out about other great nonprofits out there. Something I probably wouldn't do if I didn't have to write my monthly entry. And it's an avenue to share what I think are important social issues.

So, I just need to become more efficient with my time management :) Which leads me to...lent! A few years ago I started debating whether I wanted to give up something, or the modern alternative of trying to improve something about myself (stop cussing, don't talk smack about people [as much], be a better daughter, etc.). I'm gonna try to do a combination this year: I gave up chocolate (Jeff's mom made brownies the other day....they look so so so good), and I've decided to give up laziness as well. This means being showered and dressed before Jeff goes to work, no more morning coffee-internet-hulu-Reader sessions. I need to "go to work" on time, even if that means putting on jeans instead of pj's, and sitting at the desk instead of the bed. My goal is to actually make it through my "to do" list, instead of just writing it every day.

Here's to increased productivity, and chocolate withdrawals!

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