Sunday, June 26, 2011

Haiti Tweet Up

Since I returned from Haiti last year, I started using Twitter and following various individuals and organizations that work in Haiti, all with the hope that I could live vicariously through the work they're doing, and stay informed of events, news, and developments in Haiti.

A few months ago I started noticing that some of these orgs and individuals started interacting and having conversations with one another via Twitter. It was pretty cool to see how they each encouraged and supported one another through their various programs, and sometimes frustrations. Just so you have an idea on the diversity of what they're all working on: one of them helps run a non profit making clean water accesible to people in Haiti, another is a doctor, another an architect, another runs a non profit that works in the areas of healthcare, water and education, another is a great non profit working on sustainable development. You get the point.

In the past week or so they started talking about meeting up, and per Twitter conversations I have gleaned that they all met up yesterday. Again, it sounds creepy that I know this much, but it's not my fault that all their conversations are in a public forum and come up on my home feed!

Anyhow, it goes to show the power of social networks such as Twitter, if used the right way. I think it's absolutely amazing that individuals working in diverse fields, but each of them performing great work within a fairly small geographic location, were able to connect through Twitter and actually meet each other. I'm excited to see what this means for each of them and their organizations: will they collaborate on any projects? Will they join forces on something really cool? Or maybe just stay in touch and continue to be a support group for one another and the work they're doing?

I guess I'll just have to continue to follow the Twitter feeds!

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