Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thoughts on Honduras, anyone?

Personally, I'm kind of excited that someone had the balls to stand up to a president who started trying to be the next Hugo Chavez. I know the international community is technically opposed to the coup, but I wonder if it's just to save face: they have to be opposed to a coup. A coup isn't the greatest example of a well run democracy, and what democratic nation (or organization) would want to publicly endorse a coup?

Here's my thought: it was a good move. Zelaya was wanting to impose new constitutional reforms to stay in power, probably not unlike those that Chavez has "proposed" and keeps succeeding at. So the government took it upon itself to take action. The military, congress, and supreme court were all in agreement before the coup happened. I'm not saying it was the best course of action, but it was better than no course of action. The international community needs to be less concerned with saving face, and more concerned with preserving the democratic institutions that already exist. I hope the elections coming up at the end of the month will be given full legitimacy by the international community, with our without Zelaya.

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