Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Haiti Update: Packing!

So this is it! The last couple weeks I was basically keeping piles of plastic bags in the corner of my dinning room, with whatever stuff I had just bought for my trip. Last night I finally started to put everything in one big pile, and taking things out of shopping bags. This is what my couch looked like this morning:

It only got worse once I pulled the coffee table out of the way and I pulled out every article of clothing I wanted to bring. I figured if it didn't fit, then I would scale down what I'm taking..

Thanks to some good tips from my mom, I was able to pack everything into my (ahem, Robin's) backpack, and my smaller backpack which is what I will be taking on the plane with me. I put most of the art supplies I'm taking (thanks to Erik and Marisela for their help on purchasing these items) in my backpack, since they're pretty light and I had to save an extra room on my check in luggage for all those liquid articles I can't carry on. So, minus the sleeping bag which I still have to stick in a plastic bag (and for which I'll probably get charged extra baggage), this is what I'm taking:

Not too bad, huh? It's still a little heavier than it should be, mostly because-like every trip, and every girl-I'm over packing a little. But the way Abby and I see it, Haiti is probably the last destination you want to be thinking: "I SHOULD have brought [insert item here]."

SO, HODR has a wish list of items they need down there. The first paragraph is art supplies, and the rest is construction stuff, like drills, nails, clamps, boat cutters, etc. I would love to be able to get these construction items and bring them down, since I'm sure they're much more helpful than colored pipe cleaners or crayons....but how the heck am I supposed to carry that stuff over there?! So I went with the art supplies...and one item requested was googley eyes. Mind you, the 99 cent store had regular googley eyes, but I also couldn't pass these up:

C'mon, how awesome are those???? I hope the kids in Haiti are at least half as excited as I was when I saw them....

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