Sunday, January 10, 2010

Alcohol maturity?

The priest during the sermon this morning was talking about maturity. Granted he was talking about spiritual maturity, but he used a few hooks before getting there. One of those was related to alcohol, how we start to enjoy the sip of a good beer, or good wine.

I've always thought it was funny how I transitioned in my alcoholic preferences. I'll share with all of you that I was a late-bloomer on the alcohol scene. I actually didn't drink at all in high school, and didn't have my first [mis]adventure with alcohol until the Summer before I went to college (I still owe Daniel for taking care of me that night as I spent some quality time with the toilet). I stuck to hard alcohol my first years of college, and despised beer. I mean, every time I even attempted to take a sip from a keg at a party, I think I gaged a little--that could've been just because it was PBR...

My last year at UCSB, however, I started to enjoy beer. I'm not sure if it was the Imperial while I was in Costa Rica, but I remember that from that point forward, it wasn't as repulsing to me as it used to be, and I could actually enjoy my red cup of beer at the NAK parties.

Wine was my next step into alcohol maturity. It wasn't until law school that I started trying different kinds of wine, and actually finding something I liked and enjoyed.

Nowadays, hard alcohol is out of the question for me (that includes irish car-bombs). I still love beer (especially since Brooke and Jeff have introduced me to the finer flavors), but it's sooooo filling! So these days, I rather enjoy a good glass of Malbec. It's been a long-and sometimes tiring and exhausting -road of discovery!

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