Monday, December 28, 2009

From Hi5 to Peru!

So back in 2006, Erika, Brooke, Sarah and I had the opportunity to take the trip of a lifetime. A couple of our spots included Lima, Peru, and Machu Picchu. In Lima, we were fortunate enough to stay with Will's family, who were sooo amazing. I should tell you that we all took a chance on Will. Friends were shocked and extremely concerned when they asked where we were staying in Peru, and their answer: "We're staying with some guy's and his family that Alex met online...that she's never met before." Yeah....that didn't go over very well with people, and I honestly don't blame them. But I'm glad we went on faith alone and proceeded to stay with Will and his family. Will and his friend, Alan, picked us up from the airport, and accompanied us on our following trips to the airport when we flew out to Cuzco. And his mom made some amazing food. I may be using the word "amazing" too much in this blog, but I mean it every time I use it!

Here we are with Will on a tour of Lima. His sister, Mawi, actually majored in some sort of historical architecture of Lima, so she gave us an amazing tour of the city ;)

Jump to 2009: I still keep in touch with Will. Granted, I'm kind of a terrible friend and I don't actually talk to him often, but we chat online every now and then, I update him on my life, he tells me about his promotions and employee of the month awards (felicidades willy!), and he also tells me about all of his amazing trips. I seriously want to be like Will and explore every inch of this country, just like he's explored so much of Peru. This brings me to the original purpose of this post, which was to share some pictures from Will's recent travels. Without further ado:

Here is Will in Playa Azul

And this one is amazing, of the Peruvian jungle:

I'm gonna work on convincing Will to give me some travel tips, hot spots, etc., so I can share with you guys :)

1 comment:

  1. Alexandra Maria!!!!
    Recién puedo tomarme un tiempo para responderte, hace dos días regrese de vacaciones.. y directo a trabajar! estuve 12 dias fuera de la oficina y no sabes la cantidad de trabajo que se me acumulo! jajajaja

    Remontándonos al 2006, pues fue la primera vez que le abrí las puertas de mi casa a "unas desconocidas", no se como es que paso en realidad, pero tenia demasiada confianza en ti.. y bueno.. no me equivoque, resultaste ser una de las chicas mas lindas que conocí en mi vida (=

    sabes, tengo muy lindos recuerdos de esos pocos dias a tu lado, junto a broki, sarita y kaka.. fue muy chevere compartir el tiempo con ustedes y espero verlas algun dia (=

    .. y sobre los viajes, pues tu sabes q como sea siempre tengo tiempo para ti... tu solo dime el lugar y yo te dare los mejores tips(consejos) que tenga (=

    te mando miles de besos.. y aprovecho para desearte un año lleno de exitos y felicidades, para ti, tu familia (en especial a jeff) y tus amigos (en especial broki, sarita y kaka)..

    te quiero mucho (=

    PD1. gracias x las felicitaciones sobre lo del empleado del mes (=
    PD2. aun te debo la receta de la causa rellena!! sabes mi mama esta en Houston, se quedara hasta mayo por alla, si tienes algo de tiempo/dinero puedes ir a visitarla y tenlo por seguro que te invitara algo muy rico de comer (=
    PD3. sorry que escriba todo en español!!
