Monday, December 7, 2009

Update on My Job Search Adventures

So I got a call back from the bankruptcy/immigration firm on Wednesday, and went in for a second interview on Friday, where they actually offered me a position. I took it. I start tomorrow (Tuesday) and I'm really looking forward to seeing how this turns out. It's not necessarily where I saw myself working, but it could be a good opportunity and it gives Jeff and I an income, which we desperately need right now.

On the lighter side of things, guess what they kept asking me? Did I REALLY speak Spanish fluently? No one really believed me, and I was basically begging them to just ask me something in Spanish so we could get the credibility issue out of the way. I got a tour of the office after the second interview (which was just an overview of logistics for the position, and an inquiry into whether I really spoke Spanish...) and they introduced me to everyone that works in the office. They're pretty much all Hispanic, and they all had the same Arrested-Development-ish question in their eyes: "Her?" I knew what they were thinking: there's no way this girl speaks Spanish fluently. I can't wait for tomorrow!


  1. Congrats congrats! So happy for you!

  2. mira que yo puedo dar fe de lo buena que eres en el espaƱol eh! (=
    Muchas felicidades en tu nuevo trabajo y espero que tengas miles de exitos!

    muaks (=

  3. You have GOT to start the job and speak fluently in Spanish, yet alter your English to sound funny; then they'll whisper amongst themselves, "she DOES speak Spanish fluently, but WHAT is with that english accent?! Is she from Canada? France? The Middle East? Where is that English accent from?"
